Innocent: Confessions of a Welfare Mother Audiobook

by B. Morrison
Read by the author



In this new audiobook version of her compelling memoir, B. Morrison describes her experience when a failed marriage sends her plummeting from a prosperous middle-class life onto welfare. Morrison shows what life is like on public assistance and explores what actually works to help families escape from poverty. This book puts a human face on poverty. It is a must-read for anyone interested in social justice, women's issues, or the truth behind the headlines.

Download from Apple, Audible, ScribD, B&N & other streaming services, or your library!


"I am grateful to you for sharing your personal story and demonstrating the positive impact that social assistance programs make upon families, communities, and our country. Yours is a vital story to tell."
—Hillary Rodham Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State

"(This) book is a wonderful and moving testimony to the strength and power of women as individuals and as sisters, to change themselves and their worlds."
—Marita Golden, author of After, Migrations of the Heart: An Autobiography, and Saving Our Sons: Raising Black Children in a Turbulent World.

"Ms. Morrison eloquently refutes the notion that there is a 'typical' welfare recipient. With compassion and moxie, she pulls back the curtain and shows us a more complex picture."
—Mark Vidor, Assistant Director for Family Services, Department of Human Resources, Baltimore County Department of Social Services

  • Winner IPPY Bronze Medal for Regional Memoir/Autobiography
  • Finalist ForeWord Review’s Book of the Year for Memoir/Autobiography
  • Finalist USA Best Book Award for Memoir/Autobiography
  • Honorable Mention New England Book Festival for Memoir/Autobiography

Innocent book trailer
(YouTube video)

B. Morrison speaking about Innocent at the Gaithersburg Book Festival
(C-Span video)